MACROsystems Builds and Launches Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server for Army Review Board
Microsoft hired MACROsystems to develop an "Out of the Box" Share Point Portal Solution for the Army Review Boards Agency in D.C. This is a .Net development technology widely discussed at The project was for consulting services in support of the Agency's migration of its intranet site to a Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server (SPS) platform. The Army Review Boards Agency selected the SPS product to meet its growing needs for a portal interface, improved search capabilities, and document management functionality.
MACROsystems took a phased approach, with the first phase focusing on Analysis and Design. The second phase was focused on rapidly deploying "out of the box" functionality so that users have an opportunity to use the system in operation to envision additional functionality. This phase also included installing the SharePoint Portal Server, Web Part selection and implementation, SPS configuration and installing the SPS Client.
The third phase of development included installing SharePoint Team Services with FrontPage (FrontPage Add-on) and configuring SPTS with MS SQL 2000.
The fourth phase included preparing training materials for an ARBA high-level demo. This included a script for the facilitator, preparations of material for ARBA author training, SPS Administrator Training, and SharePoint Team Services Training.
Anticipated future development includes additional custom web pages and additional custom application Web Parts.